In with the old… in with The new!
Many times we say if you want to see something you’ve never seen before, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done before....
That’s all very true and I find NO fault in the statement.
But my challenge this morning was really quite simple....
Sometimes we do something different, see the different results, BUT we revert back to our old or comfortable ways/habits.
Which led me to this thought: if you want to see something you HAVE seen before... you must do some things that you HAVE already done!
WE know them to yield true, effective, and good results, it is our responsibility to pick them up.... again!
This week I’m being INTENTIONAL about implementing both! I definitely want to see some new things happen in my life, so I’m looking for ways to implement doing something different!
I want to see some things happen that I have seen and experienced before, so I’m examining my life for ways and areas of things that I used to do, to go back and do them again!!
Short and simple: This is the tension we must live in:
~Behold I do a NEW thing.... and
~There is nothing new under the Sun...
This means I live in expectation for the new thing, but there are some principles in life that will never change, you must simply work them!!
If we want to see better, greater, and more effective change in our lives, we’ve got to do something new, BUT we also have got to get back to some basics on some things!
Are you with me???
I’m Abstaining from the big ’S’ Word….
Just One of Those Days...
What do you do when your strength is failing? When the ‘S’ on your chest is fading away? Even Clark Kent had his Lois Lane to run to. Your weak moments are not a sign of your lack of strength! In fact, it is an indication of just how strong the opposition is! BUT you are stronger! Click to read more!