I read something recently that reminded me of a note I wrote 5 years ago... Enjoy!!
Our lives are given to us by God. He has breathed the very breath in our beings. It is because of him that we are what we are, and have what we have. For this, our lives should be committed to living for him and in him. Is it the easiest thing to do? Absolutely not. But by faith and determination, we will. Scriptures say that Jesus has come that we might have life, and that more abundantly (John 10:10); Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6); He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake (Christ) shall find it (Matt. 10:39); I am that bread of life (John 6:48).True life and living only takes place in Christ. But this is not just about the things you do with your hands.
I heard someone say before, that you can truly trust a person when you see that their head, their heart, and their hands all match. You don’t just have information or knowledge based on what you heard, but rather it comes from a place in your heart that you understand the benefits of the things that you say and do. Your hands (all actions) shouldn’t do things that are not consistent with the issues of your heart. This causes confusion to others because they perceive that by deed you are in agreement with what your actions are speaking, when the truth of the matter is… you don’t even believe a thing that you are doing, you just know (head) that it should be done. The day that we start practicing the matching of our heads, hearts, and hands, we will be a power house for the kingdom in this earth.
So goes the day when those outside of the four walls of the church are able to say that they are all judgmental hypocrites. Somewhere along the way, we have not aligned our hearts with the MILLIONS of sermons we hear and repeat in our heads that empower us to REALLY be the hands and feet of God in this earth. I literally hate when I hear people talk about what has become “typical” episodes of preachers and pastors with all the scandals and controversial actions. There is no way, people should think “I’m not surprised” when a man or woman of God has fallen into sin or succumb to the temptations from within. This has become a two-fold wrong. A) as the men/women of God it is our responsibility to ensure that we are not creating an unrealistic appearance that we have it all together. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We have been saved by grace into freedom in Christ that allows us live freely without the guilt of our sins condemning us from our loving Father. BUT part B) Because of this very thing, as men/women of God we are called to live above the ‘status quo’ even within today’s “Christian society”. This grace does not empower us to sin because we are forgiven, but rather to live above reproach to show our gratitude to the God who has shown us this grace.
It is time to stand up and live the life we encourage others to live. It is time to walk in the deliverance that we demand other to receive for themselves. It is time to really live as though we are not ignorant of the wiles and schemes of the enemy. We are the royal priesthood of God. We must live our lives unto God and before men. Not so that we may be seen, but so that Christ will be seen and his Light can shine throughout the earth.